We have all heard of “One Good Deed Deserves Another” and “What Goes Round Comes Round.” Well, this if often the case in life.
How often have you helped someone and shortly after someone has returned the favour? That is not to say you offer help to expect it back, it is just how karma and balance go.
When my son was young he found a wallet on the bus with £200 inside a lot of money back then. He handed it over the bus company who took down his name & address saying they would contact him later. He came home and told me what he had done and I told him I was very proud and he said it was the right thing to do which it was.
They rang him a couple of days later to say the owner had been in touch and collected the wallet and left him an envelope at the depot. I took him along to collect it and inside was £20 and a thank you note from the owner. He was thrilled!
So this was a good deed that did actually result in a great outcome for him. But it did not stop there…
A few years later as a typical teenager, he would regularly leave his backpack, sports bag, phone, jumper you name it, at places on a regular basis forgetting to pick them up or rushing and leaving things behind. After telling him off on many occasions about his forgetfulness and that these would now be lost forever I was always amazed when I would get a phone call to say I think I have your son’s phone or backpack.
Now this is where karma or whatever you want to call it kicked in as each time they would be returned to him one way or another.
So good deeds often result in a happy ending. So try and do one when you can.
Even little things like:
Smiling at someone
Helping someone
Opening a door for a stranger
The list is endless
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